There’s 3 main reasons that you might want to choose pre-tapes.

  1. Your player has a sensitivity to taping materials 
  2. Your player refuses to shave
  3. You’re taping a particularly sweaty area

If that sounds about right then read on. This guide will help you decide what tape to choose for each scenario, and how using pre-tapes can save you money.


Pre-tapes are tapes and sprays that are designed to go underneath your main strapping application, either to protect the skin, or help the application on top stick better. 

If number 1 or 2 above resonates with you, then your only option is UNDERWRAP. This a non-adhesive, very thin foam that creates a barrier between the skin and your strapping tape above. No glue means no irritation.

If you’re thinking more about the sweat, then FIXATION TAPE and PRE-TAPE sprays can be your saviour. FIXATION TAPE is highly breathable, but unlike UNDERWRAP it has a glue. This means that it’s less affected by sweat. It’s perfect for shoulders, knees and elbows with ZINC OXIDE TAPE over the top.

Combined FIXATION TAPE with a PRE-TAPE SPRAY and you’re onto a real winner. Pre-Tape sprays are literally GLUE IN A CAN. A few sprays to that tricky area and you’re tape goes from “wow, that’s sticky” to “this is never coming off”.


1 roll of FIXATION TAPE can save you 3 rolls of ZINC OXIDE TAPE since you’ll only be applying once. Plus, one roll of FIXATION TAPE will also last A LONG time if you only use it on those tricky areas.


Let’s be clear. For the best results, you should always stick tape directly to the skin. It’s how it sticks best. UNDERWRAP is great for taping allergies and hair, but it also needs to be applied tightly and accurately so that it doesn’t slip. 

FIXATION TAPE needs to be cut with scissors, so takes a bit of pre-planning. However, it’s worth it not to have to re-strap a shoulder at half time!

If you’re uncertain of what tape to buy, drop us a line.