Running is in our blood (we’ve got a GB international in our ranks) and K TAPE is our business.

K TAPE isn’t a miracle cure BUT in CAPABLE hands and as part of a rehab program, it may assist recovery.

These applications were created by our Academy Director, Rob Madden. His experience as a Physiotherapist and Performance Coach for Hintsa Performance spans decades, from Formula One to Private Practice.

You can read the summary of what to expect below or DOWNLOAD the detailed 11 PAGE K TAPE RUNNING EBOOK for FREE using the link below.


This no nonsense K TAPE FOR RUNNERS EBOOK is a simple GUIDE, not a PRESCRIPTION. Everyone and everybody is different so adapt as you see fit.

Whether you’re a therapist or a runner, this EBOOK will help you apply K TAPE for the following applications:


First things first, ALWAYS get diagnosed by a medical professional before using K TAPE. Once you’ve got the all clear, it’s all about PREPARATION.


Regardless if you’re using our K TAPE or not, try and AVOID these blunders for the best results:

1. MOISTURISER – K TAPE’s kryptonite; wash it off.
2. TOO HAIRY– have a shave!
3. HEAVY HANDS – avoid touching the glue.
4. TAPE ON TAPE – where possible stick K TAPE to skin.
5. LEAVE TIME – apply 30 mins prior to exercise.

Taping isn’t hard. It just takes common sense and practice. So before you tape up, iron out these mishaps and you’ll be donning tape for 5+ days.

K Tape Running Guide - K Tape Knee Runner's Knee


This application is super simple, can be self-applied and may provide immediate pain relief.

Designed to stabilise and lift the patella, moving it away from the position that causes pain. It’s commonly used for runners suffering with anterior knee pain, patella tedinitis or Osgood–Schlatters – common in young athletes.

K Tape Running Guide - K Tape Calf


Pounding the pavements can take its toll. This application is ideal for runners suffering with general calf tightness or minor strains.

Two taping techniques combine to provide feedback and light support. Using two long strips and a shorter one across the point of pain.

Runners, you will need to recruit a helping hand to apply the K TAPE whilst you stretch.

K Tape Running Guide - Shin Splints


Shin splints are the bane of a runners life. This more advanced application involves cutting the tape length-ways to create two smaller tails and applying a slight lift over the point of pain.

However, if this proves too tricky you can always use two single strips.

We’ve taped thousands of knees, calfs and shins but we’ve NEVER stopped learning. There is always room for improvement.. 

So… give the app a try, have a play around with it and let us know what you think? We’re here to share ideas not prescribe them. We’d love to feature your apps and help other athletes learn from your experiences as well as ours.

P.S For the full application in greater detail (Tips, photos & advice) download our FREE EBOOK below.