K Taping for Shoulders - eBook

Written by elite physiotherapists; Patrick Harding and Rob Madden - Learn exactly how to K Tape the Shoulder, Deltoid and Upper Trapezius with these useful everyday applications. Easy to follow, step-by-step instructions written so that anybody can understand them. 

Sale price £1.99
eBook_SneakPeek_Upper_Trap - SPORTTAPE

Upper Trapezius

This application will help you get to grips with the cutting and handling of K Tape, and is a great way to see the effect of stretching the muscle rather than the tape.

eBook_SneakPeek_Deltoid - SPORTTAPE


This is a really simple application that is brilliant for shoulder pain and stiffness, as well as localised muscle strains around the shoulder.

Upper Trapezius

This application will help you get to grips with the cutting and handling of K Tape, and is a great way to see the effect of stretching the muscle rather than the tape.


This is a really simple application that is brilliant for shoulder pain and stiffness, as well as localised muscle strains around the shoulder.

eBook_SneakPeek_Upper_Trap - SPORTTAPEeBook_SneakPeek_Deltoid - SPORTTAPE