

Tape-Off Spray

Pain-free tape removal. It sounds like a dream, right? Not anymore!

After months of testing, sampling and designing, our SPORTTAPE Tape-Off Spray is officially here and ready to be added straight to your physio bag!

We've already recieved a lot of questions like, how is it used? What tapes does it work best with? How much do you need to use? Well, we're going to try and answer as many of those questions as we can and explain why this is a product that we've been very excited to launch...


It sounds silly, given its name, but let's establish exactly what Tape-Off Spray does and how it's used.

A lot of athletes out there will be all too aware of the pain that can be caused when removing tape from some areas of your body - particularly hairier patches, like on your legs and arms. That's where the spray comes in. We wanted to make your tape removal as pain-free as possible.

Essentially, it breaks down adhesives and makes it a lot easier to pull your tape straight off. All you need to do is give the ends and the edges of your tape a good spray, wait 10 seconds or so for the liquid to soak in and slowly peel it away in the direction of your hair.

Not only will it make removals quicker, it'll protect your skin and allow for an easy reapplication, if needed. 


For as long as we've been in the tape business, we've been asked, what's the best way to remove tape without any pain. We work with a lot of physios and they all love to joke about how much they love to rip the tape off their players. Hopefully those players will be able to appreciate our latest spray launch.

Not only that, but we'd begun noticing that, despite the consistently growing demand, there wasn't any real competition out there. The competition that there was were selling their own versions of removal sprays in much smaller cans and not necessarily giving it the platform that it can hold.

Really, it was a no-brainer. 


Similarly to our Pre-Tape Spray (which partners perfectly with Tape-Off), it was manufactured right here in the UK.

This actually isn't the first tape removal spray that we've sold. It's a product that we dabbled with a few years ago. But, as soon as we decided we wanted to bring it back, we knew we needed to do so in a much bigger way.

If you've ever used our Pre-Tape Spray, you'll know that it's label is the same yellow that we've built our brand around. So, why would we make our new spray's label pink? Firstly, to make it stand out, of course. Secondly, because our design team felt that the colour represented a balance of gentleness and strength, whilst also being bold enough to complement the 'vibrant' yellow of our Pre-Tape.


What Size is the Spray?

Like we mentioned above, the majority of competitors on the market have their cans around the 50-120ml mark. For ours, we decided to up that and make a 250ml aerosol can. We wanted to go large and offer the best value possible.

What Tapes Can it be Used on?

We could list every single tape that we offer, but all you need to know is that the Spray is perfect for tapes, bandages, dressings, plasters and patches. However, we expect that physios will be using it most often on their Kinesiology Tape and Strapping applications. 

How Long Will a Can Last?

Obviously, it's hard to say for sure, but we've estimated that you can remove 50+ Kinesiology Tape applications and 200+ dexcom patches. It should last you a while!

Tape-Off Spray is now available site-wide, so go and check it out and if you're looking for some much needed pain-free tape removal, then this is exactly what you're looking for. If you have any questions about anything, get in touch! We're happy to help.

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