Taping Advice

What Causes Skin Reactions to Kinesiology Tape?

What Causes Skin Reactions to Kinesiology Tape?

Here’s a knowledge bomb that should help you prevent skin reactions or irritation when taping. Allergic reactions to Kinesiology Tape are incredibly rare! 

The majority of ‘allergic reactions’ are actually skin irritations caused by over-stretching the tape when applying, or excessive friction on the skin. Sometimes the smallest tweak can make the biggest difference. All SPORTTAPE products are hypoallergenic and latex-free. 

Follow these 3 basic tips, and we're sure you'll have a much smoother taping experience, with no irritation.


Let's quickly just establish what we're talking about. Kinesiology Tape is a stretchy, cotton (or synthetic) tape designed to mimic the elasticity of the skin. It’s used by athletes and therapists worldwide to provide proprioceptive feedback, pain relief and support to joints, muscles and tendons.

Kinesiology Tape has rapidly become one of the most used products in sports medicine today. Gracing the bodies of athletes and weekend warriors all over the world as they strive to compete injury-free. They're still commonly made from cotton with various blends of nylon, lycra and other materials to add stretch. Some contain latex (not ours), and fabric density can vary greatly.

Right, let's get into it.



When you stretch the Kinesiology Tape it recoils and lifts the skin. Over-stretching it can result in some pretty excessive friction on the skin. There’s never a reason to stretch the tape beyond 50-75% and always make sure the ends of your tape (3-5cm) are stuck down with no stretch - that's where it would pull the most.

This is very important in ensuring you aren't left with any sort of traction reaction. From our experience, 90% of 'reactions' to Kinesiology Tape are down to exactly this. Don't overstretch and apply those ends with zero stretch.


Once you’ve applied the Kinesiology Tape, move around and see if the tape feels as though it’s ‘pulling’ the skin. You can usually tell right away if it is. This can sometimes happen if the tape is put down without the muscle being stretched. 

If you feel it ‘pinching’, then remove the tape and start again. It's annoying, but important. You'll usually notice an irritation to the skin just around the edges of the tape.

There's always a chance it may feel fine immediately after applying it, but if 5, 10, 30 minutes later you're feeling a tightness in the area you applied your Kinesiology Tape, consider reapplying to be safe.


We would always recommend applying a test patch if you’re using Kinesiology Tape for the first time. Cut a small strip and apply it to your forearm. Leave it on for 30 minutes or so ideally. If it starts to itch or you feel some other form of irritation, then remove the tape and seek medical advice on any potential allergies. It's rare, but why take the risk?


We can't all expect to the get the application perfect on the first attempt. If you're having some trouble getting the most out of your tape, you may just be missing a step or two in the application process. Sometimes the smallest tweak can seriously make all the difference. Here's what we would always recommend when applying any sort of Kinesiology Tape.

  1. Apply in advance: leave 30-45 minutes for the glue to set and stick before doing any sort of exercise.
  2. Round the edges: using a pair of scissors to round the edges can prevent your tape catching on any clothing and peeling up as easily.
  3. Clean, dry skin: always apply your Kinesiology Tape to clean, and most importantly, dry skin. 
  4. Don't touch the glue: touching the glue can impact the tape's adhesion, so be careful during your application.
  5. Tape to skin: for as much of your Kinesiology Tape application as you can, apply the tape to skin rather than tape. 
  6. Give it a rub: giving the tape a good rub after your application will heat the glue up and activate the adhesive. 

And that's it! Those are the nice and easy ways that you can avoid getting any form of a skin reaction from your Kinesiology Tape. If you want to learn any more about exactly when not to tape, check out our guide. Got another question? Get in touch! We're happy to help.

Reading next

How to Choose the Best Tape - SPORTTAPE
How to Test Your Sports Tapes - EAB Tape