Taping Advice

Top 7 Ways to Make Sure Your Kinesiology Tape Sticks, Every Time

Top 7 Ways to Make Sure Your K Tape Sticks, Every Time - SPORTTAPE

Is your Kinesiology Tape not sticking? Is the tape peeling off halfway through your exercise? 

We can't all expect to the get the application perfect on the first attempt. If you're having some trouble getting the most out of your Kinesiology Tape, you may just be missing a step or two in the application process. Sometimes the smallest tweak can seriously make all the difference. 

Rob Madden here. Sports Physio and Elite Performance Coach. I’ve worked with athletes of all levels for more than a decade and used thousands of meters of SPORTTAPE Kinesiology Tape. Safe to say, I’ve seen it all.

SPORTTAPE has been my go-to for decades, so believe me, it sticks. Follow this guide and there's no reason you should have a problem with your Kinesiology Tape not sticking.


If you've already got a roll, you'll likely already know that Kinesiology Tape is a stretchy, cotton (or synthetic) tape designed to mimic the elasticity of the skin. It’s used by athletes and therapists worldwide to provide proprioceptive feedback, pain relief and support to joints, muscles and tendons. It's rapidly become one of the most used products in sports medicine. 

They're still commonly made from cotton with various blends of nylon, lycra and other materials to add stretch. Some contain latex (not ours), and fabric density can vary greatly.

Let's go through my top tips on exactly how to get your roll of Kinesiology Tape to stick, everytime. But, before we do that, there's one thing we can't ignore...

Pre-Tape Spray

If you do just want the quick-fix, or, cheat code, if you will, then you're going to want to try a can of our Pre-Tape Spray. It's super easy to use and will get your Kinesiology Tape stuck down in seconds. All you have to do is spray, tape and wait.


That’s one hell of a glue on the SPORTTAPE Kinesiology Tape, but, it needs time to set to the skin. You should apply your tape in advance, 30-45 minutes, at least, but an hour is best. If you can do that, you’ll be golden.

This is especially important if you're off for your local Sunday League game or chasing greatness on the race track and you know you're going to be getting sweaty and pushing your body to its limit. 


Arguably the most important step and one that people neglect when they're in a hurry. 

Rounding the edges of your Kinesiology Tape with a pair of scissors means that it's far less likely to catch on items of clothing and loosen. For the cleanest results, you'd use a pair of tape cutting scissors, like our SPORTTAPE Scissors, but the important thing is that you round those edges. 

If you'd like to see exactly how it's done, we've got a video showing you exactly that. Click here to watch it and learn how to cut Kinesiology Tape. 


Moisturisers, oils or balms are the devil's juice when it comes to Kinesiology Tape. They stop the glue from sticking, so it’s essential to make sure your skin is clean and dry before applying. We'd actually recommend that you don't apply any creams up to 24 hours prior to you applying your tape. Keep it on the safe side. 

This isn't essential, but if you want to improve your tape's grip to your skin, shave if you can. You need a good surface area to stick the tape to and hair doesn’t count. Clean, dry and smooth skin is a tape's best friend.


As soon as you touch the glue it loses some of it’s adhesion and leaves a residue behind, and that’s not good news when it comes to making tape last. You can avoid this by ripping the backing paper at various points (see above image). This allows you to stick the tape down without touching the glue.

This is important in ensuring your Kinesiology Tape is as sticky as possible, before it's even applied to the skin.


Where you can, it’s always better to tape directly onto the skin rather than over another piece of tape. Kinesiology Tape sticks okay to other tape, but it sticks much better to your skin. 

From our experience, the majority of cases of Kinesiology Tape not sticking is down to the ends being applied to more tape. We appreciate it may not be that simple on certain applications, but if you're able to apply the ends of your strip to skin at the very least, then it could make all the difference. 


The main reason for ‘reactions’ to Kinesiology Tape is that it’s been overstretched. Stretching the tape causes it to recoil, and this creates a bit too much friction for the skin. We regularly refer to this as a 'traction reaction'. 

There’s never a reason to stretch the tape beyond 50-75%, and always make sure your ends are stuck down with no stretch. If your skin is feeling irritated under your tape, take it off immediately. If you're seeing any redness or blistering at the ends of your strips, this is most likely due to this. 

Always apply a small test strip to your skin before using Kinesiology Tape for the first time. Better to be safe than sorry. 


The final step in every Kinesiology Tape application. Once you've beautifully applied your tape and everything is looking good, give it a good rub. 

Giving the tape a good and effective rub after it's been applied is the best way to activate the tape glue's adhesion. Slightly heating up the glue allows it to stick faster and in doing so, will also put a little more pressure on the application. 

And that's it. That's how we ensure that Kinesiology Tape stays stuck everytime.

If you’re still struggling to get your Kinesiology Tape to last then get in touch and tell us more about your application. We'll get you fixed up in no time. The only other thing that we could suggest, is taking a look at our Pre-Tape Spray, it's perfect for Kinesiology Tape. If you want a little bit more of a guarantee, look no further. 

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