K Taping for Arms and Elbows - eBook

Written by elite physiotherapist Patrick Harding - Learn exactly how to K Tape your Arms and your Elbows with these useful everyday applications. Easy to follow, step-by-step instructions written so that anybody can understand them.

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Arm Pump

This is an application that's usually hidden beneath the layers of leather. However, it is the most used K Taping application in bike racing, and we've seen incredible results.

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Tennis Elbow

Let’s talk about lateral epicondylitis. aka Tennis Elbow! This usually means pain around the outside of the elbow when lifting, gripping or rotating the elbow.

Arm Pump

This is an application that's usually hidden beneath the layers of leather. However, it is the most used K Taping application in bike racing, and we've seen incredible results.

Tennis Elbow

Let’s talk about lateral epicondylitis. aka Tennis Elbow! This usually means pain around the outside of the elbow when lifting, gripping or rotating the elbow.

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