Taping for Martial Arts - eBook

Martial Arts is, to nobodies surprise, tough on the body. Whether you're taking your taping applications to the mats or straight into the cage, stay safe and secure with this 19 page eBook will help you apply tape your:

  • Fingers
  • Wrists
  • Neck
  • Shoulders
  • Ankles

Sale price £1.99
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Finger Taping

This application is designed to protect your fingers from the friction of the bar, whilst maintaining your feel and grip.

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Ankle Strapping

This application is perfect for those athletes who have previously suffered an inversion sprain or are playing in positions that require fast, lateral movements, requiring stable ankles.

Finger Taping

This application is designed to protect your fingers from the friction of the bar, whilst maintaining your feel and grip.

Ankle Strapping

This application is perfect for those athletes who have previously suffered an inversion sprain or are playing in positions that require fast, lateral movements, requiring stable ankles.

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